In total, there are 5,693 Total Lots for Sale with 147 Mausoleum, 225 Niche and 150
Duplex Niche. (Only 29 Lots Sold) More than 99.9% Lots Available For Sale
With Land Scape Development
Nicely Gated and with perimeter wall fencing
Facilitated with Multi-Purpose Hall
With multiple Comfort Rooms and necessary facilities
Pavement sidewalks/walkways
With Drainage and Water System
Facilities promotes a well taken cared-off clients with empathy – addressing their needs
and desires for the final resting place of their loving departed.
Projected Sales of P 260,000,000.00 (Based on Old Pricing)
Secured Permits, Licenses & Documents:
SEC, GIS, BIR Reg., CTC, HLURB, NWRB, Mayor’s Permit, DENR-EMB, Sanggunian
Office Permit, Dept. Of Health. Additional data is available to serious buyers.